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Jan Luther’s
“Tapping Into the Power of Prayer”

5-Days to a More Intimate Conversation with God

We’ve created the Tapping Into the Power of Prayer online course from a live 5-day challenge Jan held in August of 2020.

We compiled all of that content into this online course that includes:

  • Teaching Videos
  • Daily Handouts
  • Tapping Videos
  • Prayer Videos & Audios and
  • A few other things that we were inspired to create and provide 

You get Lifetime Access for only $59.00

Topics include…

I have loved this prayer program so much!

I’ve felt for years that to be valuable I must earn it through the work I do, what I accomplish, the money I make, the things I can buy with that money.

I know now this is not true and its more about trusting God. I’m now believing He truly knows my desires and I’m believing that when I truly trust Him, He will provide even more than I’ve ever been able to even imagine.


Tapping Into the Power of Prayer

Lifetime Access for only $59.00!

After the prayer challenge, I begin each day with a prayer. I ask for help meeting the challenges of the day. I ask for help with questions that trouble me. The process reminds me that I have a loving, spiritual Father and that life is a process of learning. By asking for help and guidance, I have a better chance of receiving both. It grounds me in a way that affirmations never did. It affects the direction of my thoughts all day long. This result from the prayer challenge is a gift without measure.

Kara Lustiber

Jan, this was such a wonderful week. On day 5 I struggled with the Zoom meeting. My almost 4 year old was running crazy, my husband was on a very loud conference call and I felt like I wasn’t prepared to share my “homework”. In the past I would have used those excuses to not show up.

A voice was telling me to push through and do this final day, it was going to be worth it. Distractions were everywhere but I remained calm and committed to the group.

I started as a 10 on how high my wall was up. I felt like I didn’t have time to go through these steps.

Then, you began to talk about collapsing time and “Rising above the Noise”. “Stop playing in the dirt box”. This was my A-HA moment.

I already had confirmation that this works earlier in the week when praying for my Mom.

When news of her status in the hospital was bleak, I pictured her sitting up in her hospital bed drinking or eating something.

During our prayer session I got a note that she was doing that exact vision!
It was done!

Asking for prayer from our group strengthened the vision and she was able to go home with a picc line yesterday!

Thinking back to when my son had open heart surgery and they told us to expect him to be in the hospital for up to 2 weeks recovering because that is “normal” for Down syndrome infant patients.

Praying with you & God and holding the vision to see us sitting with him on our back porch in the sunlight instead of a hospital room brought him home in less than 48 hours!!!! It was truly a Miracle.

So, I’m thinking about practicing this everyday allowing my “authentic higher self to take over the bus” (loved when you said that yesterday) this has given my Faith a new definition.

Thank you for this opportunity. I look forward to the next session.

Jennifer H.